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文/活力城市设计导则 译/一览众山小-Senn、丁子晨、郭沁、刘轶凡
2015-02-04 22:04
市政厅 >




        该创新评分体系建立在LEED中有关健康问题的现有要素基础上。鉴于当前肥胖及相关慢性疾病带来的健康问题具有紧迫性和全球性的特点,让LEED评分体系在促进人们身体活动、获取健康食物方面得到发展并广泛应用,是至关重要的。目前的LEED ND评分体系主要关注户外活动,而新的身体活动创新评分体系,则鼓励建筑物内的常规性锻炼与活力生活。在恶劣天气期间,室内锻炼的机会至关重要,尤其对年轻人与老年人而言。










        1. Zimring C, et al. Influences of building design and site design on physical activity: research and intervention opportunities. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2005;28(2S2):p. 186–193.

        2. N icoll G. Spatial measures associated with stair use. American Journal of Health Promotion. 2007;21(4s): p. 346–352.

        3. Nicoll G. Taking the Stairs: Environmental Features that Predict Stair Use in 3 to 4 Story Academic Workplace Buildings.[dissertation]. Atlanta, GA : Georgia Institute of Technology; 2006: p. 299.

        4. C enters for Disease Control and Prevention. StairWELL to better health. http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/dnpa/hwi/toolkits/stairwell/index.htm. Accessed January 28, 2008.

        5. G uide to Community Preventive Services. Environmental and policy approaches to physical activity: point-of-decision prompts to encourage use of stairs.www.thecommunityguide.org/pa/environmental-policy/podp.html.Accessed December 3, 2009.

        6. Kahn EB, et al. The effectiveness of interventions to increase physical activity:a systematic review. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2002;22(4 Suppl):p. 73–107.

        7. Boutelle KN, et al. Using signs, artwork,and music to promote stair use in a public building. American Journal of Public Health. 2001;91(12): p. 2004–2006.

        8. Kerr NA , et al. Increasing stair use in a worksite through environmental changes. American Journal of Health Promotion. 2004;18(4): p. 312–315.

        9. AS HRAE Standard 55, Thermal Comfort.

        10. National Fire Protection Association.Building construction—life safety technical committee on means of egress.October 5, 2007.

        11. V an Houten R, Nau PA, Merrigan M.Reducing elevator energy use:a comparison of posted feedback andreduced elevator convenience. Journalof Applied Behavior Analysis. 1981;14(4):p. 377–387.

        12. Nicoll G and Zimring C. Effect of innovative building design on physical activity. Journal of Public Health Policy.2009;30: p. S111–S123. Also see: http://www.activelivingresearch.org/files/Concurrent_Innovations_Nicoll.pdf

        13. Guide to Community Preventive Services.Environmental and policy approaches to increase physical activity: creation of or enhanced access to places for physical activity combined with informational outreach activities.www.thecommunityguide.org/pa/environmental-policy/improvingaccess.html. Accessed December 3, 2009.

        14. Golaszewski T, Fisher B. Heart check:the development and evolution of an organizational heart health assessment.American Journal of Health Promotion.2002;17(2): p. 132–153.

        15. Guide to Community Preventive Services.Worksite health promotion. www.thecommunityguide.org/worksite/index.html. Accessed December 3, 2009.








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