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2019-09-17 11:00
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The Cybersecurity Week opened on Sept 16. Under the theme "cybersecurity for the people and by the people", this year's event covers a variety of activities focusing on cybersecurity education, fighting cyber attacks, online financial risks and telecoms fraud prevention, as well as personal information protection. According to the organizers, some events are open to the public. Let's take a look at the highlights of the theme-day activities.



Campus Day:

Cybersecurity education in college

Sept 17

组织高校学生参加“全国大学生网络安全知识竞赛”。通过网络答题方式普及网络安全知识,激发学生学习网络安全知识兴趣,提升网络安全防护技能。围绕“提升网络素养 共享网络文明”的主题,研讨并分享好网民培育经验,推动“争做中国好网民”工程做深做实。

A national cybersecurity knowledge competition will be held nationwide on Sept 17 among college students through online Q&As -- in a bid to spread cybersecurity knowledge, encourage students to learn the subject and improve their skills in cybersecurity protection.

A symposium on how to improve cyber literacy and behavior and how to become a good Internet user will also be held on Sept 17 in Tianjin.


There will also be a special Campus Day event that morning. It will include read-throughs of written proposals on cybersecurity and the holding of live interviews, special classes and cultural performances on cybersecurity - to help students and teachers improve their cybersecurity levels.

It is co-hosted by the CPC Tianjin Cyberspace Affairs Commission, the CPC Tianjin Education Committee and the Tianjin Municipal Education Commission.


Other major events will include a forum on how to cultivate top talent in cybersecurity and information security, to be held on the afternoon of Sept 17 at the Tianjin Meijiang Convention Center.

Participants will share their views on advanced and effective fostering of talent, discuss new ideas of training top staff and approaches to speeding up development of cybersecurity and information -- to improve the quality and levels of recruitment and training of professionals in cybersecurity.


加强网络安全 防范通信信息诈骗

Telecommunication Day:

Fighting against telecom fraud

Sept 18


During Telecommunications Day, telecoms service halls in Tianjin will turn into education platforms on cybersecurity knowledge and local residents will get text messages about cybersecurity.

Online Q&As and offline test papers will also be used to attract public participation and help spread the word on protection and telecoms fraud prevention, so as to build a safer cyber environment for the country.



Rule of Law Day:

Crackdown on cyber crimes

Sept 19


Tianjin Public Security Bureau will publicize the latest achievements in cracking down on cybercrimes, highlight results for the better governance of cyberspace and demonstrate the new measures that are serving the public.


Several special events will be carried out to match up with the theme and focus of the Law Day campaign. That’s according to a press confe rence held at the Tianjin Crown Plaza’s Meijiang Center on Sept 15, a curtain raiser for the official start of the Cybersecurity Week.

Problems about illegal smartphone applications will be tackled. Measures on how to regulate and crack down on illegal apps will be discussed.

An investigation of the 18th computer virus and mobile terminal virus epidemic and a survey on Chinese Internet user satisfaction levels on cybersecurity will be launched.

A proposal on an initiative to counter fake news and information will be signed on the day.

An online movie -- D War – about cyberpolice and cybersecurity will have its public premiere.


In the run-up to the Rule of Law Day, on Sept 16, the 2019 International Anti-virus Convention will be held at the Meijiang Convention Center. Academics and experts will get the chance to swap ideas on cutting-edge technology and growing trends in cybersecurity -- including anti-virus technology and privacy tests for smartphone apps – to help with product innovation and international cooperation.



Finance Day:

Spreading knowledge of financial risks

Sept 20


Organize rs said the major task of the Finance Day campaign is to help make technical financial knowledge more understandable to the general public and help people avoid financial risks.

Representatives from local financial institutions and organizations in Tianjin will tour villages, communities, construction sites, schools, business areas and companies.

Organizers said they will spread the word on financial knowledge and take the time to travel to some remote villages, as well as head out to privately owned and small and micro enterprises.

Volunteers from Tianjin's financial institutions and organizations will participate in the theme-day activities, to serve local residents on topics related to cybersecurity and financial consumer rights protection.

They will listen to people's needs, answer questions and teach people how to evade financial consumer traps and to protect their rights.


首次举办“维护网络安全 助力青少年健康成长”论坛

Youth Day:

Safe cyberspace for the young

Sept 21

青少年日上午,由团中央宣传部、中国网络社会组织联合会主办的“维护网络安全 助力青少年健康成长”论坛将在梅江会展中心举行,这是除了主题活动以外,第一次加入论坛的环节。国内网络安全领域的专家、学者以及知名互联网企业负责人将做主题演讲。在理论和实践层面对面向青少年的网络安全途径进行探索,以期对构筑清朗网络空间贡献天津力量。

A forum on keeping the cyberspace safe for young people and helping nurture their healthy growth will be staged at the Tianjin Meijiang Convention Center on the Youth Day.

China's cybersecurity experts, academics and executives of well-known internet companies will make keynote speeches on exploring safer paths for China's youth to make better use of cyberspace.

青少年日下午,青少年网络安全倡议接力启动仪式和网络安全互动体验活动。“网络安全我参与 青年上网讲文明”青少年网络安全倡议接力活动,将充分发挥腾讯全品牌产品和团属新媒体的传播力,面向全国和本市青少年进行线上活动传递。网络安全互动体验活动主会场设在静海一中,同时联动16区和19所普通高校,设立40余个分会场。

A launch ceremony for a cybersecurity proposal for Tianjin's youth, to eventually be extended nationwide, will be launched on Sept 21.

On the same day, a cybersecurity interactive experience event will be held at Jinghai No 1 Middle School in Tianjin -- the main venue – as well as at another 19 colleges and universities in 16 districts.



Personal Information Protection Day:

Safeguarding employee data

Sept 22


With its theme day of personal information protection, a national campaign to safeguard employee' personal data will be launched. Some 500,000 Chinese workers in 3,000 enterprises will receive cybersecurity education -- taught by 20,000 publicists selected from 1,000 grass-roots union organizations.

Model workers will put forward proposals to safeguard cybersecurity and protect personal information.


Publicity materials on cybersecurity -- including brochures to publicize personal information security and protection -- will also be provided to workers' delegates and womens' representatives on the day.

来源:“ITianjin 爱天津”微信公号

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