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2021-04-07 17:05

原创 MKLA 守望中东 收录于话题#遊記 Wanderlust18#约旦2

“我很享受在杰拉什的旅行。我在那里看到了古希腊遗迹,兜兜转转不知不觉就超过了四个小时。”——艾米丽,《Arabiyyat Al-Naas (第一册)》第30课


2015/12/22 @ 杰拉什


I first heard about the city Jerash from my Arabic class. "There are ancient ruins," it says.

So we decided to visit this northern city on our second and last day in Amman before traveling to the Dead Sea and further toward Petra.







Welcome to the Greek city of Gerasa, one of the wealthiest and most cosmopolitan cities in the ancient Near East.

Settled by humans since as early as ten thousand years ago, Gerasa was founded as a Hellenistic city in the second century BCE, probably during the reign of Antiochus IV Epiphanes (r. 175 - 164 BCE) of the Selucid Empire. The city soon flourished because it was not only rich in natural resources but also conveniently situated at the nexus of trade and communication on the eastern coast of Mediterranean Sea-- between Damascus and Petra as well as between the ports of Tyre and Jaffa.

At the turn of the second century BCE, the Jewish Hasmonean Kingdom took over and controlled the region for a few decades, strengthening its trading ties with other coastal Jewish cities.

The Roman General Pompey settled in the East in 63 BCE. Notably, at the same time as Syria was annexed as a Roman province, Gerasa was also under significant influence from the Nabataeans based in Petra, who accumulated incredible wealth in their caravan trade across the Arab Peninsula. Their temples used to stand side by side with Greek temples.

In this way, Gerasa's Semitic population thrived while developing a rich Greco-Roman culture. It formed the "Decapolis" with other similar cities in the southeastern Levant during the first century BCE and CE.

Gerasa entered its “Golden Age” in 106 CE, when the city was re-incorporated into the new Roman province of Arabia. The Roman Emperor Trajan (98-117 CE) constructed a network of new roads spanning from the Red Sea to the provincial capital Bosra. The Roman Emperor Hadrian (117-138 CE) even stayed in the city during the winter of 129 CE. By the last quarter of the second century CE, Jerash’s population is estimated to have been around 10,000-25,000.

▲ 椭圆广场位于中轴线的起点,建于公元1世纪。长短轴为80和90米,边缘立有56根壮观的廊柱。

Oval Plaza, built in the 1st century CE. Located at the beginning of the city's main axis, the wide plaza is 80 m by 90 m large and is enclosed by 56 awe-inspiring columns.

▲ 中轴线上长达800米的柱廊

Cardo maximus. The colonnaded street is over 800 m long and served as the main axis of the city.

▲ 哈德良神庙,为纪念罗马皇帝于公元129/130年间的造访而建立

Hadrian's Arch, built in 129/130 CE to commemorate the visit of the emperor

▲ 南门,推测为哈德良拱门同期或略早建造

South Gate, built in the same period as Hadrian's Arch or slightly earlier.

▲ 宙斯神庙,坐落于山丘之上,俯视着整个城市。如今的遗址建于公元162年。据说,早在公元前六或前七世纪的时候,这里就已经有一个朝拜宙斯的洞穴了。

Temple of Zeus, towering above the city from top of a hill. Before the current structure was built in 162 CE, the people had already been using a cave at the same location to worship Zeus since as early as the sixth or seventh century BCE.

▲ 远眺宙斯神庙

Photo credit: https://www.wmf.org/project/temple-zeus

▲ 献给格拉萨守护女神阿尔忒弥斯的神庙,建于公元150-170年间,原计划有32根圆柱但最终只完成了12根。在历史长河中,神庙可能也曾经被改建为拜占庭教堂、倭玛亚时期的陶工坊、12世纪十字军东征的碉堡。

Temple of Artemis, dedicated to the patron goddess of Gerasa. It was constructed between 150-170 CE but never finished and only had 12 out of 32 planned columns. Later on, the temple was possibly used as a church in the Byzantine era, by potters during Umayyad times and in the 12th century it may have been used as a fort by a group of Crusaders.

▲ 水神殿,建于约公元191年,不仅是城里主要的装饰喷泉,也承担着为附近居民日常供水的任务

Nymphaeum, built in around 191 CE as the main ornamental fountain and water source of small public fountains

▲ 可能是罗马最小的竞技场,建于公元3世纪初。长244米,宽50米,可容纳1.5万名观众。在公元6世纪拜占庭查士丁尼统治时期仍在使用。

The Hippodrome, built in the early 3rd century CE. The size was 244 m by 50 m and could host up to 15,000 spectators. Even so, it was probably one of the smallest hippodromes in Rome. It remained in use during the reign of the Byzantine emperor Justinian (r. 527-565 CE).

▲ 大教堂,建于4世纪中叶,可能是杰拉什最古老的教堂。

The Cathedral, built in the middle of the 4th century CE and likely the oldest church in Jerash





Gerasa had 15 churches by 600 CE, and the last existing church inscription was dated 611 CE. The city continued to prosper under Rashidun and Umayyad rule after the muslim army defeated the Byzantines in 636 CE during the Battle of Yarmouk.

In 749 CE, the whole region was devastated during the Galilee Earthquake, and the ancient city never recovered.

The ruins were buried under the sand until rediscovered by a German traveler in 1806.

We often say that the world has become smaller with the advance of transportation and communication technologies. Yet, walking through the traces left by the Hellenistic civilization in Jerash and following the footsteps of the merchants and travellers, I couldn't help but musing on the idea-- Perhaps the people of the so-called West and Orient were not so far apart by then.

Al-Bahr al-Mayyit

2015/12/22 @ 死海




Leaving Jerash, we turned around and headed southward. With Amman right in the middle, the Dead Sea appeared quite far away from Jerash on the map, and yet it only took us about two hours to reach our next destination-- I doubt whether we can drive out of Shanghai or Hangzhou in two hours. That being said, we had to give up Adjloun due to the shorter daytime in winter. Maybe we could have seen more "ancient ruins" in Adjloun had we visited Jordan in summer.

The sun was dropping west when we reached the Dead Sea. The hypersaline lake and the salt deposits shimmered and glittered in the golden sunshine, as if covered by a dreamy filter of nostalgia.

There were children playing in the resort pools. We heard their distant laughters.


"I must be very close to Israel." I knew, although I could not see the other shore in this misty sunset.

○ 未完待续……

To be continued



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原标题:《游记 | 从北到南,从杰拉什到死海《约旦,2015年冬》









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