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2020-09-21 16:44

以下文章来源于IICPechino ,作者IIC Pechino



Facendo eco alla felice co-produzione nel 2019 del ciclo di eventi musicali “Focus On Italian Early Music”, l’Istituto Italiano di Cultura ed il dipartimento per la cooperazione internazionale del Central Conservatory of Music hanno avviato in co-organizzazione la nuova serie “Incontri Musicali – Rubrica di Conferenze in Musica”.

Tutte le conferenze della nuova rubrica saranno caratterizzate da brevi sessioni esecutive dal vivo, che accompagneranno le relazioni degli oratori, con una funzione dimostrativa delle tesi enunciate dagli studiosi invitati.

Si tratterà quindi, come dice il nome della rubrica, di “Conferenze in Musica”, dove si parlerà della musica, ma si ascolterà anche la musica di cui si parla. Si potrà così non solo rendere più efficace e diretta la comprensione delle nozioni e delle tesi illustrate nelle conferenze, ma anche offrire al pubblico l’occasione di ascoltare tanta musica, spesso meno conosciuta, lungo percorsi d’ascolto suggeriti da esperti e musicisti.




Quando i soprani cantavano ruoli maschili:

una scelta musicale nell’opera barocca italiana



A cura di: Franco Amadei

Ospiti speciali: Liu Shen, Shen Fanxiu



Controtenore: Liu Shen


Harpiscord: Shen Fanxiu

First violin: Tan Liwei

Second violin: He Xiaodi

Viola: Xuan Yizhen

Cello: Lin Chuyun






evento on line co-organizzato da

Istituto Italiano di Cultura e

International Affairs Office of the

Central Conservatory of Music




2020.9.24 – 19:00

La presente conferenza, tenuta in lingua cinese,

è adatta ad un pubblico sinofono


Per una migliore fruizione audio in stereofonia,

si suggerisce l’ascolto in cuffia



Nell’opera di epoca barocca, soprattutto nella tradizione italiana, è frequente incontrare personaggi maschili per i quali il compositore delle musiche sceglieva di assegnare voci femminili (dalla voce di contralto a quella di soprano). Una scelta peculiare, non dovuta a ragioni sociali o religiose, ma una scelta di natura espressiva effettuata dai compositori, legata ad una particolare concezione estetica e musicale tipica dell’opera barocca italiana.


Nel corso della conferenza si descriverà il background storico e musicale all’interno del quale si sviluppò questo fenomeno. Allo stesso tempo, abbiamo invitato il giovane e talentuoso controtenore cinese Liu Shen, che accompagnato dai musicisti del Conservatorio Centrale di Musica canterà dal vivo 5 splendide arie tratte dalle opere italiane di Vivaldi ed Handel, consentendo agli spettatori di ammirare esempi diretti ed esplicativi sul tema della conferenza.


Programma dei brani eseguiti nel corso della conferenza:


- 咏叹调/Aria: “Dille ch’il viver mio”

Teuzzone, Atto III; Antonio Vivaldi

- 咏叹调/Aria: “Vedrò con mio diletto”

Il Giustino, Atto I; Antonio Vivaldi

- 咏叹调/Aria: “Svegliatevi nel core”

Giulio Cesare, Atto I; Georg Friedrich Händel

- 咏叹调/Aria: “Cara speme, questo core”

Giulio Cesare, Atto I; Georg Friedrich Händel

- 咏叹调/Aria: “Se bramate d’amar, chi vi sdegna”

Serse, Atto II; Georg Friedrich Händel

刘珅 高男高音

2000年生于北京,5岁学习钢琴并开始登台演出戏剧和音乐会,其优美的声音和罕有的音乐戏剧表现力被誉为“音乐神童”、“歌剧天才”、“中国奇迹(Chinese Wonder)”和“上天送给中国人的礼物”。2014年赴美,在纽约茱莉亚学院预科学习,师从著名声乐教育家洛林·努巴,2019年5月在纽约林肯中心Paul Hall举行了毕业独唱音乐会。现在英国皇家音乐学院随著名假声男高音歌唱家迈克尔·钱斯(Michael Chance)学习。

刘珅多次应邀参加北京国际音乐节、北京现代音乐节、上海国际艺术节、“上海之春”音乐节、上海夏季音乐节、北京国际巴洛克音乐节、法国拉罗歇尔古典音乐节、英国爱丁堡艺术节、联合国教科文组织世界多元文化音乐节(巴黎)等,在纽约林肯中心艾佛利·费舍尔大厅、英国皇家阿尔伯特大厅、德国萨尔布吕肯议会大厅、慕尼黑皇宫赫拉克勒斯大厅、法国巴黎卢浮宫新教教堂、拉罗谢尔圣索沃尔教堂、中国国家大剧院、上海交响乐团音乐厅、上海大剧院、中山公园音乐堂、北京保利剧院、北京音乐厅、武汉琴台音乐厅等国内外著名音乐厅和歌剧院与美国底特律交响乐团、德国广播爱乐乐团、中国爱乐乐团、中国国家交响乐团、上海交响乐团、深圳交响乐团、武汉爱乐乐团、上海歌剧院、杭州爱乐乐团、国家大剧院交响乐团、EOS交响乐团等国内外著名乐团和杨鸿年、余隆、俞峰、吕嘉、杨力、胡咏言、James P LIU、威尔·汉伯格、杨洋等著名指挥家及大卫·弗里曼、张艺谋、奥利弗·米尔斯、陈薪伊、李卫、邹爽等导演合作,首演了包括叶小纲《喜马拉雅之光》在内的多部中国当代作曲家的作品,举行了十多场个人独唱音乐会,参演了包括英国阿尔伯特大厅的《卡门》、国家大剧院《山村女教师》等多部歌剧,中国首演约翰·布洛的歌剧《维纳斯与安东尼斯》、布里顿的歌剧《诺亚洪水》以及伯恩斯坦的《奇切斯特诗篇》、叶小纲的《喜马拉亚之光》。

2020年10月20日将在北京国际音乐节闭幕音乐会暨中国爱乐乐团成立20周年庆典音乐会上与余隆指挥的中国爱乐交响乐团合作演出马勒第四交响曲,担任第四乐章的独唱。2021年2月将作为主演在法国爱乐音乐厅和图卢兹歌剧院与古乐大师萨瓦尔(Jordi Savall)和导演陈士铮合作演出维瓦尔第的歌剧《特奥佐内》(Il Teuzzone)。


Born in 2000, Andy Shen Liu has already made his mark on China’s burgeoning music scene starring the roles of Sem and Jaffet in the China premieres of Britten’s Noye’s Fludde in a production of Northern Ireland Opera, directed by Oliver Mears, and Cupid in John Blow’s Venus and Adonis. He has also been featured in new Chinese operas, notably The Village Teacher (2009) at Beijing’s National Centre for the Performing Arts, where he played Gherardino in the new production of Puccini’s Gianni Schicchi .

Andy Shen travelled to France, giving recitals at the L’Oratoire du Louvre (Paris) and Eglise Saint-Sauveur (La Rochelle) on invitation by Unesco and Forbidden City Concert Hall (Beijing) and Qin Tai Concert Hall (Wuhan). He made his debut at Lincoln Center’s Avery Fisher Hall (New York) with Detroit Symphony Orchestra in 2013. His Germany debut was in Congresshalle (Saarbrucken) and Herkulessaal (Munich) with Deutsche Radio Philharmonie and Tölzer Knabenchor.

From an early age, Andy Shen Liu has won numerous awards for his outstanding musician ship. As a boy soprano soloist and a member of the Children’s Choir affiliated to the China National Symphony Orchestra, Liu has appeared in operatic productions around the world, from Zhang Yimou’s Turandot at the Beijing Olympic Stadium to Tosca at National Centre for the Performing Arts, as well as David Freeman’s Carmen at Royal Albert Hall.

His repertoire ranged from early musicto Mahler’s Symphony No. 4 and Villa-Lobos’s

Bachianas Brasileiras No. 5 for soprano as well as virtuoso pieces of Baroque music. He premiered many contemporary Chinese works, such as Xiaogang Ye’s Twilight of Himalayas, Op68, a piece specially written for him. Under the baton of Will Humburg, he sang in the China premiere of Bernstein’s Chichester Psalms with Shanghai Opera House and Hangzhou Philharmonic as a highlight of the worldwide Bernstein centenary celebrations in China.

Andy Shen Liu was invited to performin Beijing International Music Festival, Shanghai

International Art Festival, Festival Classique au Port at La Rochelle and Beijing International Baroque Music Festival. He has collaborated with renowned conductors such as Yu Long, Lv Jia, Yongyan Hu,Yu Feng, Yang Hongnian, Yang Li, Hansjörg Albrecht and Nicholas Chalmers, and with Detroit Symphony Orchestra, Deutsche Radio Philharmonie, TölzerKnabenchor, China Philharmonic Orchestra, China National Symphony Orchestra, Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra, Wuhan Philharmonic etc.

Andy Shen Liu attends the Pre-Collegeat The Juilliard School where he studies with Lorraine Nubar and is currently studying under Michael Chance CBE at Royal Academy of Music (London).

Upcoming highlights include soloist in Mahler’s Symphony No. 4 with Maestro Yu Long and China Philharmonic Orchestra at “We were born in 2000: A Concert to Celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the CPO” and the Closing Ceremony of Beijing Music Festival in May, 2020, and the title role of Vivaldi’s Opera Il Teuzzone with Maestro Jordi Savall and director Shi-Zheng Chen in February, 2021 at Philharmonie De Paris and The Théâtre du Capitole de Toulouse.

Shen Fanxiu 沈凡秀









Organist, Harpsichordist, Professor of the Central Conservatory of Music (CCOM), China. Founder and Artistic Director of Beijing International Baroque Music Festival and Organ Music Week. Artistic Director ofthe Faint Scent Baroque Ensemble. Director of China Federation of Chamber Musician.

M.A. from University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna, studied harpsichord with Prof. Gordon Murray (1948-2017) and organ with Prof. Dr. Rudolf Scholz (1933-2012).

She offered the courses of “Performance of Organ” and “Performance of Harpsichord”, “Harpsichord and Orchestra” of Baroque Chamber Music under CCOM and in China for the first time also.

As a first performer of the organ in the National Center of the Performing Arts (NCPA), she has presented more than 40 recitals of organ in NCPA. She has also presented the recitals and concerts of organ and harpsichord in domestic cities as Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Shenzhen, Xi`an, Wuhan, Hefei, Tsingdao, Erdos, Fuzhou, Changsha, Mudanjiang, Hong Kong, Macau and also in abroad like Stuttgard, Krakow, Fano, Saint Petersburg, Moscow, Paris, New York, Nagasaki and Seoul. A Jury of Harpsichord Competition Gianni Gambi.

She Collaborated with Valery Giegiev, Seiji Ozawa, Vladimir Ashkenazy, Michael Plasson, played the organ in the concerts with Russian Malinsky Theater Orchestra, Finland Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra, European Union Youth Orchestra, China National Symphony Orchestra and so on.

She has published the CD of Teodoricus Pedrini (1671-1746) Sonatas for Kangxi Emperor.

谭力玮 Tan Liwei


Tan Liwei, who studied at the higher Conservatory of Music in Munich, Germany, went to the Conservatory of Music in Basel, Switzerland. He graduated in 1993 and received a master's diploma with a merit award. She is the founder of the Bela string Quartet and serves as the first violin, giving solos and ensemble concerts in Germany, France, Switzerland and Italy, as well as art festival sand art exchange events. He won the Outstanding instructor Award issued by the Ministry of Culture in 2006, and is currently an associate violin professor and postgraduate supervisor of the Central Conservatory of Music.

何晓荻 He Xiaodi




He Xiaodi was admitted first to the Middle School attached to the Central Conservatory of Music.

In 2011, she entered to the Central Conservatory of Music. In 2016, she was admitted to the Graduate School of The Central Conservatory of Music.

When she was a student, she joined the China Junior Chamber Orchestra, as the principal and second violinist. In 2012, she participated in the NTSO Taiwan Cross-Strait Youth Orchestra Camp; in 2013, she participated in the summer festival performance activities; 2018, she participated in the opening concert of Beijing Contemporary Orchestra; in 2019, she participated in the Gorgeous Baroque Keyboard Concert and so on. She used to record a demonstration video of the violin examination course with Professor Liang Danan.

Now she is violinist of the Symphony Orchestra of CCOM.

宣懿珍 Xuan Yizhen


Student of Professor Wang Changhai, studied for a master’s degree in viola at Central Conservatory of Music, and received a bachelor’s degree from Central Conservatory of Music in 2018.

During the undergraduate days, won National Scholarships for three consecutive years, the Excellent Student Scholarship, National Encouragement Scholarship, and the title of Outstanding graduate and “Merit Student”, And won excellent prizes in many international competitions. Serves as the Viola Chief of the Graduate Symphony Orchestra of Central Conservatory of Music.

林楚芸 Lin Chuyun

出生于中国台湾。师从于著名大提琴演奏家秦立巍,王健 及Laurence Lesser。日本大阪国际大赛第三名及波士顿室内乐大赛第一名得主。在克利夫兰音乐学院及新英格 兰音乐学院担任过弦乐教学法助教。曾经于新加坡交响 乐团担任freelance。现任职于中央音乐院交响乐团。

Born in Taiwan, Lin Chuyun studied under the guide of famous cello players Qin Liwei, Wang Jian

and Laurence Lesser. She won the third place in Osaka International Competition in Japan and

the first place of the Chamber Music Competition in Boston. At the Cleveland Conservatory of Music and New England Conservatory of Music, she served as an assistant in string teaching method. She collaborated with the Singapore Symphony Orchestra. Currently, Lin Chuyun works for the Central Conservatory of Music Symphony Orchestra.

Quando i soprani cantavano ruoli maschili:

una scelta musicale nell’opera barocca italiana



2020.9.24 19:00

直播间入口 in Diretta Streaming



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