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Opening Remarks By Professor Dr. Surakiart Sathir…

2021-10-24 20:47

Opening Remarks


Professor Dr. Surakiart Sathirathai

Former Deputy Prime Minister

and Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand

Global Economic Development and

Security Forum Conference (GEDS)

(Via ZOOM)

Organized by

BOAO Forum for Asia

19 October 2021, Tonson Residence, Bangkok, Thailand

Global Economic Development and Security Forum Conference

October 19,2021, Changsha,Hunan Province, China.

Excellency Zhang Qingli Vice Chairman of CPPCC, Excellencies, distinguished speakers, participants, ladies and gentlemen,

It is indeed my greatest pleasure to be invited to speak at the opening session of this global economic development and security forum conference held in Changsha, Hunan Province, China.

In the past years, we have witnessed the world going through a period of unprecedented and daunting global crisis and challenges. Foremost among which has been the scourge of the Covid-19 pandemic and its devastating impacts on health security and the livelihoods of so many around the world.

The lockdown of economies, the shutting down of borders and restrictions on domestic and international travel have brought to a halt tourism and businesses in the hospitality sector and disrupted essential supply chain, particularly food and medical products. Unfortunately, in these pressing times the brunt of the hardship has fallen upon the poor and the marginalized especially in countries where there are no social safety nets.

Millions have lost their jobs, household debts have dramatically increased, further widening the income gap between the rich and the poor. In the meantime, the revolution in digital technology has uplifted human lives and quality of life for many and created new opportunities for startups and entrepreneurs. On the other hand, many have also been left behind by rapid pace of technological advancement. The digital divide has widened the economic disparities within and among nations.

Moreover, unless we are able to come to grips with the effects of climate change, all of us will suffer the consequences of severe natural disasters and calamities, many of which we are already witnessing. If we are unable to act together as a global community in dealing with these global threats and challenges, we will definitely see an unravelling of the gains that we have achieved in sustainable development and peace and security. For sure, our peace and security are intertwined and depended on economic development and progress that provides for human security. That is why the theme of this Conference is so timely and extremely relevant. Security and development are mutually-reinforcing. In tackling these twin challenges, we must address their root causes. And in this endeavour, we need to reinvigorate international cooperation and multilateralism.

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought home the reality that we must be vigilant and prepared for future pandemics. To this end, it is imperative that we work to strengthen the structure of global health governance centering on the role of the WHO. We must invest in the development and production of vaccines and ensure their fair and equitable distribution to all those in need but lacking in the financial means.

Like pandemics, climate change has no boundaries. We need to forge a strong global consensus calling on all countries,

to do their part in promoting green economy reducing the emission of greenhouse gas and achieving the goal of carbon neutrality, sooner than later. The breath-taking pace of the advance in technology requires us to invest in our human resources and capital.

Education in many countries is lacking behind and must be reformed to embrace life -long learning for re-skilling and up-skilling for all age groups. No one should be left behind for reason that they lack the skills needed to acquire employment. Therefore, we need international cooperation in the field of education to exchange best practices and sharing of expertise through on-line open course.

Another aspect of international cooperation is the need for a joint effort to have strategic foresight to prevent conflicts in the future.For example, technology competition and cyber security have the potential to be a major arena for geopolitical and geoeconomic rivalries. It is therefore imperative to initiate mechanisms and institutional arrangements to prevent technology competitions from turning into conflicts.

There is an urgent need to initiate dialogue within and among regions on international regulatory regime for technology, be they Artificial Intelligence, financial technology including central bank digital currency before the issues become too polarized and politicized.

As we look ahead to the post-Covid recovery, we also need to ensure that multilateral financial institutions like the IMF, and the World Bank, and regional financial institutions including the private sector and the wealthy economies, should join hands to rethink of how to assist countries seriously affected by Covid-19, especially those facing a debt crisis, to help them to return back on the track of development and stability as soon as possible.

Ladies and gentlemen,

As we grapple with the current global challenges, it is incumbent upon us to bequeath to future generations a better and more secured world. The internet and social media have led to an awakening of our young people in their desire to have their voices heard and their views heeded.

Our youth must be given the opportunity to participate in national and global dialogue on key decisions shaping their future. For our youth are indeed entitled to have their say when it comes to what the future holds for them and the way forward.

Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,

I agree with UN Secretary-General Guterres’s Report on “Our Common Agenda”, especially when he said that not since WW II has humanity faced such an urgent choice of a breakdown or breakthrough. He put it rightly that the choice is ours to make, and it could be that we will not have this chance again.

I also agree with Excellency President Xi Jinping on the need to link economic development with security and that multilateralism is the way forward. Unfortunately, multilateralism and multilateral institutions have been challenged by the backlash against globalization. We must strive to ensure that the benefits of globalization accrue to the majority and not the minority in a fair and inclusive manner. I strongly believe in the need for global leadership in the strengthening of the multilateral institutions especially the UN and its agencies to be better equipped to help solve the range of complex and pressing global challenges impacting on development and security. I also would like to urge all major powers and like-minded countries to find common purpose and common ground in working together to strengthen the UN.

Reinvigorating multilateralism also requires the forging of stronger partnerships with and among regional and intra-regional groupings to achieve real and meaningful progress in overcoming the current global crisis and challenges that bear upon our peace, security and economic development for the present and future generations.

Finally, I also agree with Excellency Li Baodong, Secretary-General of the Boao Forum for Asia who, in our preparatory meeting for this Conference, concluded that “there are more solutions than problems”. It is my fervent hope that there exists the political will of each of us and each country to put their effort together to implement solutions to major global crisis for our better future.

Thank you very much for your attention.


立足亚洲 面向世界

传递论坛最新动态 促进亚洲深度合作

全球重要对话的传达者 亚洲共同发展的瞭望者

原标题:《Opening Remarks By Professor Dr. Surakiart Sathirathai》









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