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Covid-19 Info. | Press Release of April 27

2022-04-27 17:00

At the press conference on COVID-19 prevention and control in Shanghai held on the morning of April 27, Mr. Zhao Dandan, Deputy Party Secretary and Deputy-Director-General of Shanghai Municipal Health Commission reported that the city added 1,606 new local cases and 11,956 local asymptomatic ones on April 26. Among the 1,606 confirmed cases, 340 were found in the closed loop quarantine. 13 were tracked in the nucleic acid testing of high-risk groups. 1,253 were former asymptomatic cases. Among the 11,956 asymptomatic cases, 11,798 were found in the closed loop quarantine, and the other 158 were tracked in the screening of high-risk groups.

As of 24:00 on April 26, we have had 244 severe cases and 27 critical ones receiving treatment in designated hospitals.

On April 26, Shanghai added 48 deaths. The average age of them is 80.85 years. The 48 cases suffered from serious multi-organ underlying conditions including cerebral hemorrhage, sequelae of cerebral infarction, coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, severe cardiac insufficiency, severe hypertension, Alzheimer's disease, uremia, gastrointestinal bleeding, and advanced pancreatic malignant tumor. One of them was inoculated with COVID-19 vaccines, and the others were unvaccinated. The direct cause of their death is the underlying conditions.

From March 1 to April 26, Shanghai has totally reported 535,600 local COVID-19 infections, including 44,548 confirmed cases and 491,052 asymptomatic ones.

As of 09:00 on April 27, we have screened totally 512,350 close contacts in the city and put the disease control measures in place.

There were 2,639 local cases discharged from hospitals upon recovery and 30,534 asymptomatic cases lifted from centralized isolation for medical observation on April 25. They will return to their residences for follow-up health monitoring, and the communities should properly arrange for their return.

Since we launched decisive action of case clearing across Shanghai, the effects are becoming more and more obvious. However, the situation is still very challenging, and we are in a critical moment to fight against COVID-19. In order to further consolidate and expand the results we have achieved in the previous actions and fulfill basic case clearing at the community level at an earlier date, we will take the following measures according to the general thoughts of taking category-based measures and focusing on the decisive action under the centralized command. In the zones that have achieved basic case clearing in the communities, limited number of people may take limited actions in the designated zones. In the zones that are yet to achieve basic case clearing in the communities, the comprehensive disease containment measures will continue to be implemented, including static management in all the zones, PCR testing of all people, all-around epidemiological investigation, cleaning and disinfection by all, and the whole-process deficiencies rectification.

In the next step, we will start another round of zone-specific PCR + antigen testing from April 27 to April 30 and dynamically adjust the range of lockdown, control and precaution zones based on the testing results. To facilitate our citizens to take PCR tests, we released the first 534 regular PCR sampling sites across the city on Shanghai Fabu (“上海发布”) and Health Shanghai 12320 (“健康上海12320) on the evening of April 26. More sites will be announced in the following days.

As we have reaped phased results in containing COVID-19, we are still confronted by grim and complicated challenges. It requires strenuous efforts to continue our work at this key moment. We are making all-out efforts to advance the case clearing at the community level while testing and screening is part of our decisive action.

In terms of arrangement for PCR testing forces and facilities, we have prepared nearly 20,000 sampling sites and dispatched over 100,000 testing workers in the last five days. Currently our maximum testing capacity can reach over 5 million tubes. In terms of management of testing, the organization in the communities is becoming more and more orderly while the connection of sampling, delivery, testing, reporting, and review is getting more and more smooth. Our testing data shows that we have conducted over 51 million tests so far, and the ratio of positive cases is declining gradually. We will continue optimizing our plan and further improve our quality and efficiency of testing. At last, please allow me to thank our citizens for full support and cooperation again. Thank you!

Translated from Shanghai Fabu

原标题:《Covid-19 Info. | Press Release of April 27》









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