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Briefing on the Second Middle East Security Forum

2022-09-23 21:00

Briefing on the Second Middle East Security Forum by the Head of China Institute of International Studies

#1 Q: Please briefly introduce the Second Middle East Security Forum.

A: Nowadays, the combined forces of changes and a pandemic both have brought the world into a phase of volatility and transformation. The Middle East region is also confronted with serious security and development challenges. Meanwhile, the regional countries have an unprecedentedly strong demand for seeking security through autonomy, development through unity and revival through cooperation, and the expectation for China to play a greater constructive role in the security field in the region is growing.

In 2019, we held the first Middle East Security Forum and achieved consensus in many important fields. This year, we organized the second Middle East Security Forum both online and offline, with an aim to discussing with all parties about new ideas and paths for security governance in the Middle East through the important communication platform. Themed “Promoting a New Security Architecture in the Middle East and Realizing Common Security in the Region”, the forum had two sub-forums on the Palestinian question and the security situation in the Gulf region. State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi addressed the opening ceremony via video link, Vice Foreign Minister Deng Li delivered a keynote speech, and former Palestinian Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah, former Jordanian Prime Minister Adnan Badran and other important guests made speeches at the opening ceremony. More than 70 participants attended the Forum, including officials and scholars in the field of diplomacy and security from intra and extra-regional countries, as well as representatives from the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Defense, some former Chinese ambassadors and think tank experts. The forum is a complete success with broad consensus.

#2 Q: What kind of consensus and outcomes emerged from this forum?

A: The participants had fruitful dialogues and exchanges on relevant issues,welcoming the new vision on common,comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security proposed by China, agreeing with the initiative that the leading role of the Middle East countries in achieving security in the Middle East should be identified, and calling on all countries to abide by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and strengthen regional security dialogue and collaboration. The participants believed that,to realize the long-term stability in the region, efforts should be made to strengthen the endogenous forces of maintaining regional security,carry forward the common values of humanity pursuing fairness and justice, accommodate the reasonable security concerns of all parties,and promote security through development.

The participants spoke highly of the China-proposed Global Development Initiative and Global Security Initiative, and highly appreciated China’s sustained efforts to achieve a just solution to the Palestinian question, and believed that the international community should continue to support the just cause of the Palestinian people and implement the relevant UN resolutions on the establishment of an independent Palestinian state at an early date, calling for the convening of a more extensive, authoritative and influential international peace conference. On the Gulf issue, it called on all parties to further engage in communication and consultation on the relaxation of the regional situation, and actively build a multilateral dialogue platform for the Gulf region, thus building confidence and strengthening cooperation to jointly forge a new framework for joint, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security in the Middle East.

#3 How do the participants view the current security situation in the Middle East? What are the expectations for China’s participation in Middle East security affairs?

The Middle East has a long history, unique culture, and rich resources, but for more than a century, it has suffered from historical injustice and external interference. The transplant of western institutions fails; hot-spot issues are intertwined; war and conflicts hinder development; the terrorist threat remained unresolved. Reasons for the continued regional tension in the Middle East are multi-faceted. The participants believed that the lack of fairness and justice, the huge trust deficit, and the rampant power politics and bullying are important incentives.

The participants highly praised China’s long-term positive actions to promote peace and security in the Middle East, especially the multilateral dialogue platform for the Gulf region, the five-point initiative on achieving security and stability in the Middle East, the four-point proposal on solving the Syrian issue, and the three ideas for implementing the “two-state plan”. China actively participates in Middle East security governance, and opposes imposing unilateral sanctions, pushing for regime change, imposing so-called “solutions”, and forcing regional countries to take sides. China also urges the international community, especially the major countries outside the region, to provide more positive energy for achieving security in the Middle East. The above actions and stances are echoed positively from regional countries, and all parties are willing to work with China to pursue genuine multilateralism and achieve lasting peace and stability in the region.

#4 How will the Global Security Initiative contribute to peace in the Middle East?

In April this year, Chinese President Xi Jinping unveiled the Global Security Initiative that provides guidance and path for realizing peace and security in the Middle East based on the regional reality and changes in the international landscape. The Global Security Initiative calls on all parties to abide by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, uphold the principle of indivisibility of security, oppose group politics and bloc confrontation, adhere to resolving differences and disputes between countries by peaceful means through dialogue and consultation, and support all efforts conducive to the peaceful resolution of crises.

The participants believed that over the years, China has always adhered to an objective and just position on hot-spot issues in the Middle East, and follows an approach of “double support”: to firmly support Middle East countries to solve regional security issues through unity and coordination and to firmly support people in the region in exploring their own development paths independently. The implementation of the Global Security Initiative in the Middle East will help regional countries address development and security challenges, provide fair and reasonable solutions to regional hot-spot issues, and create a new framework for common, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable security in the Middle East.

#5: What is the prospect for the resolution of the Palestinian-Israeli issue under the new circumstances?

A: The Palestinian question is consequential to the peace and stability in the Middle East as well as international equity and justice, which should not be marginalized, let alone forgotten. The international community should take practical steps to advance the “two-state plan” and bring the Palestinian-Israeli peace talks back on track. A more extensive, authoritative and influential international peace conference should be held to promote the Palestinian question back onto the priority of the international agenda.

The participants appreciated China’s clear position on the Palestinian question, and spoke highly of the initiatives brought up by President Xi Jinping on many occasions as well as the three ideas to implement the “two-state plan” proposed by China. The participants believe that China’s proposals, such as welcoming Palestinian and Israeli negotiators to China for direct negotiations and continuing to support the work of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, have played an important and constructive role and contributed Chinese wisdom and solutions to the Palestinian-Israeli issue.

#6: How would the multilateral dialogue platform for the Gulf region proposed by China work?

A: Over a period of time, the interactions among the Gulf countries have been on the rise, bringing great opportunities as well as multiple challenges to the regional situation. In order for the Gulf countries to step up dialogue, enhance mutual trust and sincere cooperation, and achieve common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security for the Gulf region, China proposes to build a multilateral dialogue platform for the Gulf region.

The participants spoke highly of China’s relevant initiatives, agreed with China’s proposal of building an equal and open platform, and believed that all parties should follow the principles of mutual respect, mutual understanding and mutual accommodation to join the dialogue process and address their respective concerns through equal consultation.

The participants appreciated the proposal of building an action-oriented platform, and agreed that all parties should adhere to the principle of reciprocity, synchronization and meeting each other halfway, and focus on building trust and releasing goodwill.

The participants believed that the principle of “solving the easier issues first and then moving on to the difficult ones so as to make gradual progress” proposed by China was practical and feasible. All parties could start with specific issues where converging interests are easier to find, and continuously build consensus and dynamically adjust the topics for discussion.

China’s proposal of building a multilateral dialogue platform for the Gulf region has received positive response from the participants, and they are looking forward to an early launch of the platform through joint efforts and coordination of all parties.

原标题:《Briefing on the Second Middle East Security Forum》









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