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一整个春日的浪漫 都隐藏在西安的……

2023-04-14 18:12




When spring comes, the flowers send forth a delicate fragrance and the wind is very gentle. The earth is soaked in the sea of blooming flowers from south to north when the grass grows and the warblers fly. In spring, Chang'an is full of flowers, with apricot blossoms as white as snow and cherry blossoms as bright as rosy clouds. The romance of spring is hidden in the streets and alleys as well as the millennium old temples in the city.









Romantic Tang people loved to appreciate and praise flowers, embellishing their beauty with flowers. The Flower Banquet was one of the most interesting banquets of flower appreciation at that time. Qujiang Pond, located to the southeast of ancient Chang'an, is a great place for spring sightseeing and banquets where numerous banquets were held with the place covered in lush flowers and trees.Once in a time, many different types of banquets used to be held here, including the popular "Spring Exploration Banquet" among literati, the "Spring Competition Banquet" for singing, dancing and dining, as well as the complicated "Qujiang Guanyan" which was a banquet held for Advanced Scholars after their imperial examination in Tang and Song dynasties.


Guanyan was a banquet attended by the new Advanced Scholars(Jinshi) who passed the examination(Guanshi) organized by the Ministry of Officials during Tang and Song Dynasties. A common festive activity held at Guanyan is "Tan Hua" which was a practice in Tang Dynasty: two handsome young men of Advanced Scholars(called Jinshi) from the same subject were required to pick designated precious flowers and plants in the gardens near Qujiang. These two men were known as "flower explorer(Tanhuashi)". If someone else picked the designated flowers prior to them, the explorers would be punished. Guanyan was usually held in the apricot garden where the apricot flowers bloom in February when students from various regions rushed to Beijing for exams(Guanshi), so the apricot flowers were also known as "Jidi flower" which means students successfully passed Guanshi.


After the establishment of Tang Dynasty, the political power was unified and society was stable, which provided good external conditions for the planting and promotion of flowers. Famous and exotic flowers from various regions were continuously introduced to Chang'an.With the rise of flower industry and the prevalence of flower appreciation, ornamentals had a tendency to be various in this period than before.The colorful and charming plants were deeply loved by literati and officialdom and then gradually became the objects they were passionate about.


When the warm breeze awakens all things, romantic Tang people would try their best to enjoy the time of spring. They went through the streets and alleys, wandered around the temples and gardens, tramped over wild mountains and forests, outing for appreciation of spring and flowers.




Furong Garden, located in the southeast of Chang'an, was a popular destination for emperors and their family members during Tang Dynasty.There were a large number of colorful and beautiful ornamentals in the garden. Du Fu once praised Furong Garden like this "Remembering the Emperor's colorful flag and ceremonial guard descending the Southern Garden, everything in the garden gave birth to radiance".


Furong Garden in March, the pure white and elegant pear blossoms bloom vigorously and warmly.They hang all over the branches while the willow trees exude a light green color against the backdrop of crimson pavilions interpreting the most beautiful scenery of spring.




Qinglong Temple located in Xi'an is a Buddhist temple with a long history. The temple was built in 68 AD and has a history of nearly 2000 years. It is one of the four famous Buddhist temples in China.


Nearly a thousand cherry blossoms are planted in the temple and there are as many as twelve varieties. From March to April every year, the cherry blossoms have bloomed all over the garden.Precious cherry blossom culture and unique sceneries make Qinglong Temple the first choice for many tourists to appreciate flowers in Xi'an.




As a royal temple of the Tang Dynasty, the Tang Daci En Temple was the largest temple at that time.Nowadays,it has been renovated and upgraded into a classical and elegant open garden for visitors. There are many ancient buildings, pavilions, long corridors, waterfalls, and stone beaches in the park where you can appreciate the poetic scenery of mountains, rivers, and rural areas as well as enjoy the leisurely and ethereal Zen spirit.


In the park of March and April, the fragrance of magnolia floats in the air,the petals are as white as jade, emitting a refreshing fragrance, just as what was described in the poem of "Magnolia" which was written by Wen Zhengming a poet of Ming Dynasty.The charming magnolia flowers and antique architecture set each other off beautifully, brimming with fun and delight of spring.




The Weiyang Palace Ruins Park of Han Chang'an City is located in the southwest of the Weiyang District of Xi'an City with rich historical charm. It was built in the seventh year of Emperor Gaozu of Han Dynasty and is the main palace of the Western Han Empire which also symbolizes the center of politics and power of a dynasty.


In the park, there is a rapeseed flower field covering an area of 230 acres. The flower field and green ground constitute a wonderful interplay of colors where makes leisurely strolling or camping and flying kites extremely comfortable.




The Xingqing Park in spring is a great place to admire flowers with tens of thousands of peonies blooming and charming. Emperor Taizong of Tang, Li Shimin, once designated peonies as the national flower, representing the majesty and glory of the royal family as well as symbolizing the prosperity of the country.

兴庆公园种植牡丹的历史,能够追溯到1300多年前的盛唐时期。历史记载,兴庆宫的沉香亭就是当年唐玄宗消暑纳凉观赏牡丹的地方,亭子四周的牡丹有上万株之多,品种繁复。唐代诗仙李白曾用牡丹花的富丽堂皇和雍容华贵来歌咏杨贵妃的容颜之美,写下了“云想衣裳花想容,春风拂槛露华浓” 等脍炙人口的名句。

The history of Xingqing Park planting peonies can be traced back to the prosperous Tang Dynasty more than 1300 years ago. According to historical records, the Chenxiang Pavilion in Xingqing Palace was the place where Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty spent his summer cooling and admiring peonies. There were tens of thousands of peonies around the Chenxiang Pavilion with a complex variety.Poet Li Bai once wrote popular famous poems to praise Imperial Consort Yang stunning appearance as magnificent and elegant as peonies.




Daming Palace National Heritage Park, an outstanding representative of the architectural art of oriental palaces, is known as the most magnificent palace in Chinese history and the oriental temple of the Silk Road. Strolling in the park, you can get a profound feel of the historical memories and the essence of Tang culture nurtured behind the magnificent architectural complex.


In spring, the Daming Palace National Heritage Park is one of the best places to appreciate flowers in Xi'an where all kind of flowers like apricot、winter jasmine、 elm leaf plum、peach blossom、peony、and begonia are in full bloom where make tourists come in an endless stream.


In April, flowers bloom everywhere in Chang'an. Blown by the gentle breeze, fresh flowers with their well-turned delicacy, decorate the romance and vitality of spring in the city.

原标题:《一整个春日的浪漫 都隐藏在西安的……》









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