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朵云艺展 | 润物细无声——路宁、程士元书画展开幕

2023-02-20 11:22





The scroll only just unrolled, words have already escaped us in front of it. One day in September, I met up with Mr. Cheng and Luo Qi to study paintings and calligraphy works together. Free from any worldly pursuits, we found ourselves in a spiritual utopia in the quiet space of the “Preface to Landscape Paintings”. Pointing at some paintings by Ni Zan, I said, often with a small bay, several stones or old trees, he produces unforgettable representations of bleak, grim mountain groves. With extremely light brushwork, he captures everything about a desolate land, an uninhabited world. Floating clouds stay still; water seems stagnant; no wind pushes a sail. The silent mountains afar stand wordlessly with the lone pavilion. In and out of the image, everything stops moving. This eternal soundlessness seems like a huge sound and a portal of space and time, storming into reality.

程士元 写石榴

路宁 江雪疏秀


It is a formidable challenge to represent desolation and detachment, but Ni Zan and Hongren managed to bring into life cold, withered trees, wandering clouds, and the aloof solitude of old temples deep in the mountains - their world of silence truly touches the heart. Zong Bing of the Liu-Song dynasty once said: everything is endowed with its own spirit, what else do I need to do? It’s just about revealing its spirit.

程士元 弘一造像

路宁 寒山拾秀


Mr. Cheng retired to his study, buried himself in the world of Wei stelae for over two decades, and unexpectedly found a world between the unrestrained, fury, and reticence for the spirit to roam about freely, like an escape from the erosion of the soul by worldly matters. Sometimes in the world of calligraphy and painting, he is very much like a fisherman or woodcutter fishing alone on the cold river who only cares about ease and relaxation instead of any other gain. Thus, his brushwork is free from the noise of reality, with an air of an antique jade disc, or of the clumsy, hilarious drummer-figurine in the Shanxi Museum. He is so happy, unknowingly happy.

程士元 扇面

路宁 清骨寒梅

三人浅浅交谈,那一刻虽无南山可瞻,却得白云翩翩。有时风来了,它活泼泼的,东翻西找;或青竹藤丫也探头探脑来凑个热闹;雨也来了,它从檐缝子里挤进来,身后一片苍翠如滴,这细细梭梭的雨哟,悄无声息地种进土里, “滋养”像一朵朵小花般开出来,开得到处都是……

Then the three of us chatted casually, without a southern mountain to gaze at, with white clouds drifting above. For a time the wind came dancing, tossing things about; or green vines peeped in curiously; the rain also arrived, squeezing in from the eaves. Behind us was a dewy, verdant world. The tiny raindrops silently planted themselves in the soil, their tender care blooming everywhere like small flowers...


Why don’t we have an exhibition? I said.

程士元 蟹

程士元 百福庄严相 一心安乐行

路宁 无咎三梅

路宁 拟渐江雨余柳色图

江南艺苑 百年朵云

原标题:《朵云艺展 | 润物细无声——路宁 程士元书画展将于本周六开幕》









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